Monday, February 9, 2009

Sleeping Seeds

Welcome to the Sewing Seeds space here, there or anywhere you are.

It is wintertime and seeds are sleeping in the earth (or in their little packets in which they've been collected), waiting for spring.  We are happy you've taken the time to visit us here.

Who is 'We'?
This blog was initiated by several artists and native plant enthusiasts from Guelph, Ontario, for the purpose of sharing information about grasses and wildflowers native to our local habitat. We are interested in the interplay of art and ecology - where creative forces draw on our knowledge of our environment, on natural or reused materials and on traditional hand-skills that require patience and care.
Watch for information about upcoming events.  Feel free to post or contact us!

1 comment:

  1. In the chilly month of November, I went for an excursion with a german shepherd and one of my favourite people in this town. We drove up to Edinburough just south of Woodlawn and spent a few cold hours at the restoration area harvesting wildflower and grass seeds.

    On that bleak crisp day, I fell in love with the plethora of browns, greys and silvers, the curled dried leaves and wisps of seed hairs.

    Several weeks later, my friend dropped off a paper bag filled with seeds, all sleeping in their labelled packets. I think of them now as the earth awakens around me and I put away my stitched snowflakes.

    Perhaps they will emerge soon to see the light of day, to be embedded into paper and stitched into a blanket of sorts.

    I anticipate their unfolding and imagine them rooting in the little nooks and crannies I see as I walk through the city.

    Wake up, wake up- it's the first day of spring.
