Saturday, March 21, 2009


Christina wrote...

In the chilly month of November, I went for an excursion with a german shepherd and one of my favourite people in this town.  We drove up to Edinburgh just south of Woodlawn and spent a few cold hours at the restoration area harvesting wildflower and grass seeds.  On that bleak crisp day, I fell in love with the plethora of browns, greys and silvers, the curled dried leaves and wisps of seed hairs.  Several weeks later, my friend dropped off a paper bag filed with seeds, all sleeping in their labelled packets.  I think of them now as the earth awakens around me and I put away my stitched snowflakes.  Perhaps they will emerge soon to see the light of day, to be embedded into paper and stitched into a blanket of sorts.  I anticipate their unfolding and imagine them rooting in the little nooks and crannies I see as I walk through the city.  

Wake up, wake up- it's the first day of spring.